Sustainable Glow: Exploring the benefits of rapeseed coconut wax

Sustainable Glow: Exploring the benefits of rapeseed coconut wax

Choosing the right candle wax is crucial for a clean, eco-friendly, and healthy burn. In recent years, there has been a shift away from traditional paraffin wax towards more sustainable alternatives like soy, rapeseed and coconut wax. In this article we are shedding light on the choices we made in creating a more responsible and enjoyable burning experience.

The paraffin dilemma

Paraffin wax, derived from crude oil, is a non-renewable resource. The extraction and processing of crude oil contribute to environmental degradation and climate change.

When paraffin candles burn, they release harmful substances into the air, including benzene and toluene. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals may pose health risks, especially in enclosed spaces. Paraffin candles also tend to burn faster than alternatives, leading to a shorter overall burn time. This means more frequent replacements and, consequently, increased waste.

A clean alternative

These are some of the reasons why, we at Flamme Wien chose to use a rapeseed and coconut wax blend for our candles. The wax is blended in Europe and is made from rapeseed oil and coconut oil only. It is completely free from paraffin, soy, palm, beeswax and synthetic additives.

Unlike paraffin wax, Rapeseed and coconut wax are plant-based and renewable resources. Both crops grow relatively quickly and do not contribute to the depletion of fossil fuels. Candles made from rapeseed coconut wax produce minimal soot, creating a cleaner and healthier indoor environment. This is especially beneficial for those with respiratory sensitivities.

Rapeseed and coconut wax are biodegradable. This means that when these candles reach the end of their life cycle, they break down naturally, reducing the environmental impact. Candles made from rapeseed and coconut wax generally burn more slowly and evenly than paraffin candles. This translates to a longer-lasting candle and, in turn, less frequent replacements.

As consumers become increasingly conscious of the environmental and health impacts of their choices, the shift towards sustainable candle options is gaining momentum. While paraffin wax may have been the standard for years, its drawbacks are becoming more apparent. By choosing wax for our candles made from renewable resources with cleaner burning properties, we not only enhance our living spaces but also contribute to a healthier planet for generations to come.

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